Mr. Prashant Kumar Tiwari, The director

The role of this computer centre is to provide high quality electronic functioning environment that maximizes performance, promote academic excellence and improve the quality of research.The centre is providing an excellent and rapidly expanding ICT Infrastructure to accommodate the growing administrative and academic leads needs.

Centre name: M M infotech
Owner: Prashant Kumar Tiwari
Contact: 8005161987, 8090966455

Centre details:
No. Of PC's: 211
Configuration: - core i3 , SSD 250 gb, ram - 4 gb per pc
Networking: Cat 6
DG: 45 KVA
Communication System: Telwsoft communication system

The campus facilities comprise of over 200 personal computers and a server room, gigabyte and wireless ethernet networks, internet connection, UPS system company which capacity of 40 KVA which can hold backup of 45 minutes and a silent DG set of 45 KVA for emergencies.